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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

•••This is a draft of the "Introduction" page in my book Bulletproof ~ Lifestyle•••

     Hi, my name is Scotty Edman and I would like to welcome you on my journey!  When I first started this project (Nov. 2008), it felt like the world was coming to an end for me.  I had spent the last 20 years or so working and partying.  Giving little thought to God and what He wanted for me.  Even though I was raised in a Christian household, once my parents grip was not so tight on me I found ALL kinds of ways to get into trouble!
     The drinking started during High School when I was 17, if I remember right.  But shortly after graduating from school, I FOUND COCAINE!  This lead to all kinds of things that no parent would want for their child!  During this time (When I was around 21 years old), I became a father.  I’m not going to tell the story now, but I will say that I missed the first 15 years of her (Megan’s) life……..BECAUSE I WAS TOO BUSY BEING AN IDIOT!!!
     However, Megan did come into my life when I was 36 and had already found my soul mate….JENNY EDMAN.  I was married and trying to change, but still doing cocaine on occasion.  I had a job and my own business, so my life looked normal on the outside.  One weekend Megan was staying with Jenny and myself.  I had just got done building our dream house and decided to party it up a bit.  Next thing I knew, there was a tube stuck in my nose and I was in an ambulance!  If it wasn’t for the fact that Jenny found me hardly breathing…..I WOULD HAVE DIED THAT NIGHT!
     After getting out of the hospital I tried harder to be a better person.  And a few years later I found myself in the position to give up my job and become a self employed man.  This didn’t work out, and soon I was fighting for my life financially.  I was still (And will always be) suffering from the embarrassment of missing Megan’s childhood, the drug overdose, and going bankrupt now seemed like the final dagger!
     Thoughts of suicide soon were filling my days and I had to do something to stop them!  My sister Sheri had got me to join a local Church called Southfield.  And my brother Brian was talking me into taking better care of myself by weight lifting and running.  But I still felt like I needed to be doing something else!
     That’s when this journey started, IT WAS WRITING THAT GOD WANTED ME TO DO!  I have a story and it needs to be told.  At first this book didn’t really start out as a book, but rather my personal journal through pain and perceived failure.   Writing seemed to hold back my thoughts of suicide a little.  But as my writing’s went on, I started to realize some things in my own life that were “not quite right”.  Just writing down how I felt each day alone gave me some sort of peace.  But then when I went back and started reading my own writings, IT HAPPENED…….I STARTED TO REALIZE WHAT SCOTTY EDMAN HAD TO CHANGE! I began to understand what I was doing wrong,  and how to fix the problem.  I had tried listening to all kinds of people tell me what I was doing wrong but for some reason that just didn’t work for me.

     “Bulletproof ~ The Lifestyle” starts out with my personal journey through pain and self correction. 
     This first part of the book is broken down into ? chapters.  During these writing’s I was in a VERY bad place emotionally and was struggling with daily thoughts of suicide. Eventually after writing for a few months I started to realize what REALLY made me happy in life, AND IT WASN’T WHAT I HAD THOUGHT!  Having a new way of looking at things helped greatly with beating my depression and after identifying and conquering my dark thoughts, I decided not to end there. 
     See, I was in the middle of a personal overhaul, and it wasn’t only my mind that needed some work.  I came to the conclusion that MY journey (maybe not yours, we are ALL different)  needed to include some other things.  Namely, religion and sports.  I had a lot to prove to myself as well as my family and just having a new attitude was not enough…….I NEEDED TO DO MORE!
     The second part of “Bulletproof~Lifestyle” is my journey to see this thing through to the end.  So what I did was write my life story and explain how I got into the position of thoughts of suicide in the first place.  While simultaneously journaling my progress with the religious and sports challenges I took on.
     I chose the challenges of reading the entire Bible…..front to back, and to run in the Chicago Marathon.  These were two things that I never thought I could accomplish in my wildest dreams!  The Bible is just too big, and to be quite honest……to hard of a read I always thought.  And running 26.2 miles after 20 some years of hard core partying, well……….that seemed like an even taller order!
     My writings start on Nov. 25th 2008 during the housing meltdown, and come to a conclusion on Oct. 13th, my wife Jenny’s Birthday and two days after the Chicago Marathon.
Now here’s the best part!
     At the end of each chapter are a few questions from me as well as a couple pages for YOU to write whatever you want.  Thoughts on my writings, what’s going on in your life, what you want to accomplish, anything!  Just start writin’ and you will be surprised how much and how quickly you learn about yourself!  And because you will be writing in this exact book…..
     If you noticed on page ?, the “General Information” included’s:
AUTHOR   ~~~~~~~~~~   Scotty Edman
CO-AUTHOR ~~~~~~~
Go to page ? and sign as my co-author……sign here too if ya want! ~LOL~
     Congratulations!  We are now in this together  and it’s no secret that we ALL can use a little support once in a while.  Hopefully some of my writings will help you……. and if you want to return the favor, go to www.facebook.com/bulletprooflifestyle  and leave a comment, story, or verse for me.  I promise you one thing, if you answer my questions honestly…..and give honest writing of your own…..as you write you will start to realize what is, or at least should be…..
Important to YOUR personal happiness!

Thank You and Good Luck,
Scotty Edman

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